Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLowerCase')

this error comming when i call UserRepository.getUser(“654321”)

Hello @symlinktech , can we please have a full screenshot of the error? what are you trying to accomplish? so we can understand your use case and what is your current SDK version?

can we please have a full screenshot of the error?

what are you trying to accomplish?
Comment : I want to fetch user profile by user_id

we can understand your use case and what is your current SDK version?
Comment : @amityco/js-sdk": "^5.29.0 this is my sdk version

@symlinktech Thank you for your information, I will pass to our team to check on this :pray:

Hello @symlinktech we cannot reproduce this on our side, could you please provide us more code and where is the toLowerCase in your sourcecode?

client.registerSession({ userId, authToken }) automatcally destroy after page reload.
How to store it to call repository after page reload?

Hello, please see how to handle this in this sample project GitHub - AmityCo/Amity-Web-SDK-pagination-example

Hello, how to send files using axios node js

Hi @symlinktech You meant to upload and create file posts? If you would like to use api, you could call this api to upload files, please see the sample curl below. Unfortunately, we don’t have example with axios.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESSTOKEN' \
--form 'file=@"/Users/usernam/example.png"'

Upload and create files are also available on SDK as well, please see more detail here: File Post - Amity Docs

How can I get the global feeds
using ```

this api but only getting my feeds

Hi @symlinktech you can use that api or this one Amity API and it should work. Have you joined any communities?

no, so global feed mean community post?

Correct, global feed contains posts from users you have followed and communities you have joined.